6241 Rosewood Ave. Central City, KL K28 T53
Tel: 990-121-0025

Steps to Take After Being Tested for COVID-19
Your test sample has been collected and will be processed at a lab to determine whether you have an active COVID-19 infection. Before you leave the testing site, confirm with testing staff how you will receive your results. Next, take the following steps to monitor your health and avoid spreading the disease to others.
What should I do while I wait for my results?
Isolate yourself away from other people while you wait for your results to avoid spreading the virus. Even if you don’t have symptoms you can still infect others if you are sick.
Practice healthy habits.
Cover your cough, or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available.
Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces regularly, including your phone.
Monitor your symptoms.
Check your temperature twice a day.
Keep a journal of fever, cough and other respiratory symptoms.
If your symptoms get worse, seek medical care.

6 ft.

If you must leave home, such as to seek medical care, wear a protective face covering and stay at least 6 feet away from others.
What should I do if my test is positive?
Continue to self-isolate at home, limiting contact with anyone in your home, until you meet these three criteria: Practice healthy habits.
At least 10 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared (or 10 days have passed since you were tested if you never have symptoms) AND
You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicines such as Tylenol or ibuprofen AND
Your respiratory symptoms such as cough have improved
Do NOT go to work. Notify your place of employment of your positive test result.
Seek medical care if your symptoms worsen. Go to the emergency room for serious symptoms, including persistent chest pain, difficulty breathing, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake or bluish lips or face.
What should I do if my test is negative?
Remember, a negative test result does not mean you may not get a COVID-19 infection at a later time.
If you have been instructed to quarantine, you must complete the quarantine even if you test negative.
Continue to reduce your risk of illness.
Practice social distancing
Wear a mask
Wash your hands frequently