6241 Rosewood Ave. Central City, KL K28 T53
Tel: 990-121-0025


Carnswell Medical Center's radiology department is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week for emergency situations. For outpatient services, the department is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The radiology department, which has a radiologist in house five days a week, provides completely digital images. The department provides a variety of radiology services, including MRI, general X-ray, CT, ultrasonography, mammography, bone density tests, and nuclear medicine. The department has a knowledgeable staff of caring, dedicated technologists providing imaging services on high quality, high tech equipment.
In addition, the hospital acquired a P.A.C.S. System that allows digital images to be made accessible to physicians and radiologists for interpretation.
MRI Services
Carnswell Medical Center has once again expanded its radiology services with a state-of-the-art MRI.
This important diagnostic tool was once only available by traveling an hour or more for appointments, but now when your doctor says, “MRI,” you can say “Carnswell Medical Center.”
Safe and painless, MRI scans give us a more detailed picture of what is happening inside a patient’s body than a traditional x-ray. MRI uses powerful magnet and radio waves to create these images. That makes it possible to find even the smallest changes within the body and accurately diagnose an treat a variety of conditions from possible tumors to sports injuries.
Carnswell Medical Center now offers 3D Mammography! Faster…more comfortable…clearer results…earlier detection…these are the hallmarks of 3D Mammography, now available at Carnswell Medical Center.
3D Mammograms are much more comfortable than traditional procedures, but more importantly, they provide clearer imaging, higher detection rates, and fewer false alarms. CMC Radiology is the only hospital in Boshka that can provide this state-of-the-art testing with the Siemens Mammomat Inspiration with 3D Tomosynthesis.
Digital and 3D Mammograms
Carnswell Medical Center has a state of the art Siemens Mammomat Inspiration with 3D Tomosynthesis. The Mammomat Inspiration is a patient and user-friendly system that yields the highest quality images. It provides greater accessibility and allows easy, proper positioning of patients including those in wheelchairs. Another feature to this system is the ability to sense optimal compression. The system senses breast thickness and compresses as long as the breast is soft and pliable, then stops precisely when image quality is maximized. This spares the patient unnecessary discomfort and ensures consistent and reproducible compression techniques.
Digital mammography produces images that are strikingly detailed. The magnification images show tiny micro-calcification in remarkable detail, but when coupled with the 3D Tomosynthesis, even extremely dense breast tissue is visible. Adding 3D images to traditional digital mammograms increases detection rates up to 35%, allowing for earlier diagnosis and better outcomes.
The hospital has also acquired a Computer Aided Detection (CAD) system for use in breast cancer screening to assist the radiologist in minimizing false negative readings during mammograms.Together, both systems offer patients the best technology in the area for mammography screening. Carnswell Medical Center has been accredited by the Drug & Food Administration and the Boshkan College of Radiology in screening mammography since 2009.
It is recommended that women in their mid 30's or older should have screening mammograms every one to two years. You will need a physician’s order to receive your screening so please consult your family physician on when and how often you should receive a mammogram screening.
DEXA stands for Dual Energy X-Ray Absorpiometry (or Densiometry). This is a procedure that measures the amount of bone, muscle, and/or body fat and determines bone density. It is commonly used to diagnose osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Scans are quick (usually just a few minutes) and are typically performed on the lower spine and hip. Use our online health library to learn more about Osteoporosis and DEXA Scans.
If you are concerned about osteoporosis, talk to your primary care provider and ask to have your DEXA Scan at Carnswell Medical Center.
CT Scanner and Ultrasound

G.E. Optima CT Scanner
Carnswell Medical Center utilizes a C.T. Scanner from G.E. It produces excellent image quality using Adaptive Statistical Interactive Reconstruct software that gives patients a lower dose of radiation and provides outstanding images across the full range of clinical needs.
Aplio 500 Ultrasound
Carnswell Medical Center recently purchased a new Aplio 500 ultrasound machine. The Aplio 500 delivers outstanding performance for superior clinical precision and diagnostic confidence. Its revolutionary High Density Beamforming architecture provides clinical images of exceptional resolution and detail.
Diagnostic imaging techniques give your doctor information about what is happening inside your body and makes for a better diagnosis and treatment.